New stuff

This week has flown by. Does it ever amaze you how time can change pace? Some weeks seem to last 6 months while others are like a flash and gone. I’m not sure how that all works but I have it on my list to ask when I get to the pearly gates.

We started out the week with SNOW! Yes, I know if you live were you have to shovel it and drive in it, you may hate it. However, I live where it snows and melts on the same day and those days are so rare that its tons of fun when they do happen. So, it snowed…and snowed enough that you could make a snowball and throw it, or build a snowman. It was awesome and Zion is something else in the snow. I mean it is unreal in its typical day to day fashion but if you happen to be here when there is fresh snow you have been very blessed and should take lots of pictures….I did.

Next I did a thing. Like a BIG thing for me. I joined a group of women who hike and explore southern Utah. If you know me you may initially think….this isn’t weird, she loves getting outside and finding new places. Then upon further thought you will realize, wait, she hates all things new, different, unknown and scary, and she really doesn’t like meeting new people or hanging out. In comes all my anxiety front and center. I made a goal at the beginning of the year that I would attend at least one of their events each month. I had no idea how hard that goal really would be and next thing you know I’ve talked myself out of all the other events and we are at the end of the month and I had not attended yet. I decided I would give it an honest effort and plan on going ( i even checked the little “going" box so that I wouldn’t back out).

I woke up this morning and it was cold, wind blowing, freeze your ears off cold. I hate the cold so I almost threw in the towel. I didn’t though. I stuck with it and I met new people and I hiked a new hike and guess what? I didn’t die! I mean I know it sounds silly but really, I didn’t. It made me wonder today as I pondered about why I was so nervous about going in the first place, how any things have I missed out on? How many cool opportunities have I been to scared to grab on to?

So, the goal this week? Live my life and explore all those open windows and doors. Try new things, and don’t let my anxiety take away my joy. Who is with me? I want to hear all the ways you didn’t let fear win this upcoming week….leave me some comments