It's Been a Hot Minute.

Man do you ever feel like you just sort of fall off the earth for a bit? Like you are still doing things but nothing seems to be getting done? I honestly thought I was doing so well with this blog, then I realized its been months since my last post. I’m gonna get this things going again so here goes.

The year 2020 will go down in history as a tough one for most people but to be 100% honest, it was great for me. It slowed my pace down enough to let me catch my breath which hasn’t happened in a long time. It also allowed some extra time for me to spend with my family out doors in nature where I am happiest. I remembered the tender hand of the Lord more and noticed quiet mercies that i wouldn’t have otherwise.

While I don’t love a lot of things about 2020, i don’t love a lot of things about every year so I’m not about to claim it was harder than any year known to me before. To be real, every year is hard. Hard means you have been challenged and growth never comes with out some challenge. Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying “bring it on 2021” because I’m a huge fan of not working hard for things….I mean I’m lazy and don’t love hard things but I can see their value.

With all that said, I wanted to make some awesome weight loss resolution or some inspiring save the world goal but, as mentioned above, I struggle with what I want to happen and actually finding the motivation to make amazing things happen. Then it hit me, Amazing things happen every single day of my life. Last year was really really hard on people for a lot of reasons that I was blessed to not struggle with. My husband kept his job, i changed my vision for mine. We were not any more ill in 2020 than we were in 2019. We did have to adjust, we did have come across things we hated, we had to suck up our pride a bit and become humble, we changed the way we did things but most importantly for me, I changed the way I looked at things.

Kids doing school at home was rough on many, I loved it! I got to see my kids….like for more than 5 minutes after school before practice. Did they complain more than I would have liked, of course but guess what, that was more talking than most parents get with their teens these days so I was grateful for it. We had to learn to share the computer and work with each other. My kids learned home skills because they were actually here to use them. We didnt do everything perfect for sure but I looked at it all as a gift from a loving Heavenly Father who gave me some very precious time that I couldn’t figure out how to give myself or my family.

The thing is, I’m not a happy go lucky person. I see the worst in just about everything and I worry about it all. The fact that I wasn’t having a melt down every single day 2020 was a miracle it’s self. And. I totally get why people hated it. I have had years that having my kids home from school that much would have been truly awful. I know that sounds bad but, real talk, I have kids that have broken my heart, my spirt and my strength. I know that feeling very well of loving your kids but not having the strength to fight the battle every day and looking forward to school hours just to rest up for the next episode. I also know the horrible guilt that feeling like that about your own child. It makes your world crumble and 2020 was like that for a lot of people.

So this year, I want you to join me on my ADVENTURE called life. I do have a goal to get outside as much as possible because I live in the greatest place ever….earth. There are so many places I haven’t see and I want to get out and see as much as I can. On the flip side, I have spent much of the last decade in my room, finding it hard to get out of bed so, I know every day wont be fun and wont be exciting. Guess what, not every minute of even the best adventures are fun though. I honestly cant remember the last camping trip or road trip that didnt come with some kind of a hiccup. Maybe it was a flat tire or a bison traffic jam, maybe it was terrible weather or no breakfast at the hotel that we only booked because it had breakfast. The point is, none of these bumps in the road have made me want to stop my trip or go home, they are just part of that adventures story.

Each day I will be keeping track of my adventures and weekly Im going to come her and post what we have been up against, where it took us, maybe ( hopefully ) what we learned and where we are going next. I would love comments here or on facebook letting me know what your adventure is looking like for 2021. Looking at it as a gift and trying to grow from every minute of it.

With out more babble from me, here is a glimpse into what the first week of Jan has looked like in our neck of the woods….Great weather, a few exploring trips locally, and a stomach bug for the littlest…it’s real life.